miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2010

Descargar comics Miercoles 25 de agosto 2010

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Descargar Los comics Marvel DC Comics y otras compañias del miercoles 25 de agosto del 2010
Estos son todos los comics que salen esta semana y tambien las revistas relacionadas, hay casi de todas las editoriales desde las mas populares hasta las mas alternativas, hay cosas muy buenas como el numero 4 de Avengers, el Batman 702, Green Arrow 3 que sigue perdido en su bosque magico de Brightest Day, el Superman & Batman 75 espero que sea un numero muy bueno, Black Widow 5, Dark wolverine 90 con el enfrentamiento final entre franken castle y Wolverine (deja a mi hijo o te hago cachitos) y Daken quien saldra victorioso de esta batalla mortal??? muchos pero muchos comics de Deadpool y el X Men Legacy 239, de los comics alternativos les recomiendo Invincible #74!!!!! que creo sera lo mejor de la semana,
el de los Guardianes del Globo me llama la atencion y por puro morbo el Image United numero 3.... recuerden que la lista se ira actualizando conforme vayan llegando los links, gracias por su apoyo y recuerden seguir el blog y la copera para un nuevo escaner....
Si te gusto algun comic compralo en tu tienda favorita,,,apoyen a la industria.

Aqui la lista de los comics

DC Comics

Action Comics #892 SD MD RS

Batman #702 SD MD RS
Detective Comics #868 SD MD RS
Gotham City Sirens #15 SD MD RS
Green Arrow #3 SD MD RS

Justice League Generation Lost #8 SD MD RS

Justice League Of America #48 SD MD RS

Legion Of Super-Heroes #4 SD MD RS

Outsiders #32 SD MD RS
Superman Batman #75 SD MD RS
Superman Secret Origin #6 (Of 6) SD MD RS

Teen Titans 86 SD MD RS

Time Masters Vanishing Point #2 (of 6) SD MD RS
Wonder Woman #602 SD MD RS

Batman The Brave And The Bold #20 SD MD RS
Billy Batson And The Magic Of SHAZAM #19 SD MD RS

Fringe Tales From The Fringe #3 (Of 6) SD MD RS
Garrison #5 (of 6) SD MD RS
Wildcats #26 SD MD RS

Madame Xanadu #26 SD MD RS
Scalped #40 SD MD RS
Unknown Soldier #23 SD MD RS

Marvel Comics

Amazing Spider-Man Presents American Son #4 (Of 4) SD MD RS

Astonishing X-Men #35 SD MD RS
Avengers #4 SD MD RS

Black Widow #5 SD MD RS
Captain America #609 SD MD RS

Captain America The 1940s Newspaper Strip #3 (Of 3) SD MD RS
Chaos War Postcards SD MD RS

Dark Wolverine #90 SD MD RS
Deadpool Team-Up #890 SD MD RS
Dream Logic #2 SD MD RS
Fantastic Four #582 SD MD RS
Heroic Age Prince Of Power #4 (of 4) SD MD RS
Marvel Previews #85 SD MD RS
Namor The First Mutant #1 SD MD RS

Secret Warriors #19 SD MD RS
Sense & Sensibility #4 (of 5) SD MD RS
Shadowland Moon Knight #1 ( of 3) SD MD RS
Spider-Girl The End #1 (One Shot) SD MD RS
Spider-Man #5 (Marvel Adventures) SD MD RS

Thor #613 SD MD RS
X-Campus #3 (of 4) SD MD RS

X-Men Curse Of The Mutants Blade #1 (One Shot) SD MD RS

X-Men Forever 2 #6 SD MD RS
X-Men Legacy #239 SD MD RS

X-Factor 208 SD MD RS

Punisher MAX Happy Ending #1 (One Shot) SD MD RS
Ultimate Comics Mystery #2 (of 4) SD MD RS

Betty & Veronica #249 SD MD RS
Jugheads Double Digest #163 SD MD RS
Sonic The Hedgehog #216 SD MD RS

Fevre Dream #5 (of 10) SD MD RS

Gravel #20 SD MD RS

Wolfskin Hundredth Dream #4 (of 6) SD MD RS

10th Muse Lost Issue #1 SD MD RS
Fame #4 (Taylor Swift) SD MD RS
Female Force #16 SD MD RS
Female Force #17 SD MD RS
Female Force #9 SD MD RS
Political Power #12 SD MD RS
Rock N Roll Comics #1 SD MD RS
Tony & Cleo #1 SD MD RS
Vincent Price Presents #19 SD MD RS

Bart Simpson Comics #55 SD MD RS

Comic Shop News #1210 SD MD RS

Usagi Yojimbo #131 SD MD RS

Ani-Max (One Shot) SD MD RS
Bullet To The Head #3 SD MD RS
Battlefields #9 (Of 9) SD MD RS
Robocop #6 SD MD RS

SFX Special #45 SD MD RS

True Blood #1 (of 6) SD MD RS

Darkness Four Horsemen #1 (of 4) SD MD RS

Guarding The Globe #1 (Of 6 ) SD MD RS
Image United 3 RS MD SD
Invincible #74 SD MD RS
Lady Robotika #2 SD MD RS
Savage Dragon #163 SD MD RS
Science Dog 1 Special

Zeroids #1 SD MD RS

Supernatural Magazine #19 SD MD RS

Wizard Magazine #230 (Fringe Cover) SD MD RS

Salems Daughter #5 SD MD RS

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