Descargar los Comics de DC de este Miercoles 23 de junio del 2010
Aqui les dejo todo lo que ha salido por que tomorrow voy a salir fuera y pues no podre actualizar hasta la tarde, asi que tengan paciencia, con el X Men Legacy y los demas Comics de DC que faltan,,,,gracias!!!
Zatanna 02
In dreams, you're his! Zatanna's attempt to intimidate Brother Night backfires when his servant, the nightmare imp Fuseli, attacks her where she's most vulnerable – the landscape of her dreams! If he has his way, this sleeping beauty will never wake up…
Continuing the exciting new ongoing series from bestselling writer Paul Dini and acclaimed artist Stephane Roux!
Supergirl 053
Beginning an all-new SUPERGIRL arc! The War of the Supermen is over. Who is left to pick up the pieces? Fallout from her actions during the war plague Supergirl, and Kara has to make one of the toughest decisions of her life: Should she continue to be Supergirl and stay in metropolis – or is it time to move on? And with Cat Grant and the villainous [CLASSIFIED] coming at her harder than ever before, is being a superhero even worth it? "Who is Supergirl?" begins here!
Batman - The Return of Bruce Wayne 03
The most anticipated miniseries of 2010 continues! As Bruce Wayne's astonishing journey through time continues in this 6-issue miniseries, The Dark Knight travels to the eras of high seas thievery! Mastermind writer Grant Morrison's most ambitious project to date continues to chronicle the return of the original man behind the cape and cowl – Bruce Wayne! Featuring the dynamic artwork of YANICK PAQUETTE.
Legion of Super-Heroes 02
Paul Levitz and rising star artist Yildiray Cinar (TEEN TITANS) continue their run on the Legion as a Legionnaire decides whether to remain with the team – or join the Green Lantern Corps! Also, in the explosive aftermath of last issue, Saturn Girl must find her missing children and face the possibility that they may be dead!
And don't miss Paul Levitz's look at the early days of the Legion of Super-Heroes over in ADVENTURE COMICS #12 on sale this month!
Green Lantern Corps 049
BRIGHTEST DAY continues scorching with "The Revolt of the Alpha Lanterns" as the Alphas seek to recruit John Stewart, Kyle Rayner and even former Guardian Ganthet into their ranks! What is their ultimate goal – and who is the mastermind behind it all?
Superman 700
DC Comics proudly presents the 700th issue of SUPERMAN, a 56-page extravaganza full of tales celebrating the Man of Steel's past, present and future! First up is a story by the man who actually killed Superman, Dan Jurgens! Then, James Robinson brings his epic run on the title to a close with a touching story featuring art by Benard Chang that brings Superman back to Earth after his time on New Krypton. Finally, we preview the exciting new SUPERMAN ongoing creative team as J. Michael Straczynski and Eddy Barrows provide a story that sets the stage for an explosive, all-new direction for The Man of Steel! (Seriously! Wait till you read this!)
Power Girl 013
Power Girl dives headfirst into the next chapter of her life on Earth with new series writer Judd Winick (JUSTICE LEAGUE: GENERATION LOST) and artist Sami Basri (THE SHIELD)! And what events will draw her to her former JLI teammates from JUSTICE LEAGUE: GENERATION LOST?
Justice League - Generation Lost 04
DC's biweekly JUSTICE LEAGUE event continues here! The heroes of the once-great Justice League International – Booster Gold, Captain Atom, Fire and Ice – have reteamed in order to stop a threat to all mankind. But will the heroes of the DCU take this group of misfits seriously? And what happens when Blue Beetle – a new hero with an old legacy – joins the team? And whose side is he really on? Be here to find out!
Justice League - The Rise of Arsenal 04
This issue changes the Arrow family forever! As Electrocutioner awaits his trial for his part in the destruction of Star City, Roy Harper needs to settle the score for the sake of his dead daughter. Only one person stands in his way: his mentor Green Arrow! Major ramifications for the rest of the DCU start here!
Detective Comics 866
Continuing the spirit of celebration from BATMAN #700, comics legend Dennis O'Neil's returns to the Batcave in this stand-alone, 40-page issue! O'Neil spins a tale of the Dick Grayson Batman intertwined with those classic days when Batman and Robin, the Boy Wonder, patrolled the mean streets of Gotham City!
And come back next month for the return of The Question and Batwoman!
Air 022
Despite inspiring ire by getting rid of Verne's "A History of 21st Century Flight," Blythe is allowed to continue her pilot training. This time, she is to complete Amelia Earhart's historic mission. She sets out, only to be confronted by an old enemy. Can Blythe complete the trip Amelia started – or will she meet the same fate?
Joker's Asylum II - Killer Croc
Top creators lend their talents to a new installment of THE JOKER'S ASYLUM – a special month-long, weekly series of one-shots starring the greatest villains in Batman's rogues gallery.
Each issue is narrated by The Joker and tells a special stand-alone story that gives readers an inside look into the insane lives of The Dark Knight's greatest adversaries! This batch of tense tales spotlights The Riddler, Harley Quinn, Mad Hatter, Clayface and Killer Croc! Can you stand the madness?!